Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Opening Ceremonies! WOW

Upstairs on the second floor in the science department office, the tall almost floor to ceiling windows tilted inward for air circulation, and more than that enters as I type.  Squeals from friends parted by a summer's absence as they embrace, parents and children who will soon be separated by miles and months say their last goodbyes, and the general clamor of catch up conversations all mingle and waft through these windows.  What a morning this has been!

Opening ceremonies, no previous description did justice to being there amid sensory impact.  Walking to the auditorium the first thing encountered were the seniors assembling with a colorful array flags, a part of the anticipated procession.  Then we teachers and residence staff congregated, lining up two by two, preparing to enter.  Meanwhile streams of returning and new students and parents entered taking their places for what would soon begin.  Then it started.  First the residence staff and RAs marched down the left isle, and then we teachers entered down the right...amid clamorous cheers and enthusiastic, continuous clapping.  One teacher said, "This is the first time I've ever been applauded as a teacher!"  Once we were seated, the seniors--with uninterrupted cheers and applause--created a moving spectacle as they each marched in carrying a flag of one of the countries represented by families attending BFA. What a procession, 52 countries--each read aloud after the parade; BFA undergirds the ministry in all of those places!

That was just the beginning.  Scott Jones, the director, spoke to all of us about our theme and mission, but then there were separate charges given--first to the residence staff who are now the "parents," imagine.  Then the charge to the teachers, entrusted in the development of these young lives in preparation for futures, but also for their examples in their spiritual lives.  These were moving, but the most impressive to me was the senior class president's speech.  This young man, cheered to the stage by his classmates, spoke with ease and comfort.  He opened and sustained an interesting and somewhat humorous litany of suggestions of things the seniors could aspire to accomplish this year, but ended up with a sober reflection of the calling they have in Christ and as leaders at the school, masterfully and touchingly done.  I really wish you could have heard him.

Once all the other agenda items were finished, we were dismissed, and that is when I retreated to the planning area, moved and wanting in the worst way for you to have been able to experience this with me.  Pictures will be posted as well as a video clip so you can see and hear the enthusiasm yourself.  Again, thank you for helping this all be my life, but more importantly in the lives of these precious students, our future, and their parents.

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